Friday 10 August 2012

First ever blog!!

So hi guys, this is my first EVER beauty blog! I'm going to start off with me.... and what products/make up i am currently using...

Thought i would show you all my new hair cut first! i LOVE it, i used to have my hair like this, then i grew it a little, but i much prefer short hair on me.... it suits me better! Though i would love to have long hair as you can do so much with it, but no, doesn't agree with me, it makes me look like a i have a big thick wig on! My cousin cuts my hair, i wouldn't let anyone else do it now, she never does it the same (i mean that in a good way), i always come out with it looking even a little bit different, so I'm pleased about that. here i am....... 

Picture is a little blurry, not the best quality. sorry :(

Ill go through a few of my products that i love using at the moment.
Firstly.... My Estee Lauder's moisturiser i would NOT go with out.... this little pot has lasted me 4 months so far!!! with another 2 months to go!! wow!! i didn't believe them at first that it would last that long, but i took the plunge and brought it. it was expensive £39, obviously more expensive than simple or any other brand that are in the supermarkets, but think how long they last you, definitely not 6 months! so i only buy 2 moisturisers a year. I do suffer with oily or a shiny skin, so i don't want a lot of products going on to my skin.

I will ALWAYS have oily skin, you can never change your skin type whether it be dry, oily, combination, you cannot change it! BUT you can reduce it, alot in fact, to the point where you wont notice it. This moisturiser is so light, you can hardly tell its gone on, which is what you want when you have oily skin, i have seen some people say they put this that this that on their skin because its oily and i need to clean it and protect it, YES everybody needs to cleanse their skin, but not everybody needs layers of product on their skin! so you no the old saying 'less is more' in this case, yes, less product does more for my skin :) it also has SPF 25, which is very important for your skin! also... as i am 20+ now, we need to start thinking about preventing aging! start mid 20's! and this has anti aging effects.
I could rant on about skin all day, which is why i love my career choice :)
You can buy this at any Estee Lauder make up and skin care counter.
Click here to buy

Sorry about the really bad picture again!!
Phew!!! i hope that essay didn't bore you too much, as i will be talking about skin alot in my posts!

Next, the foundation I'm currently using. I used to use Estee Lauder Double wear... which i loved! but it was getting expensive, and i need to cut down price wise, so I'm trying out alot of different foundations at the moment. I have wasted alot as they just haven't done the job. At the moment i am just using a powder, from the Body Shop, All in one face base. I was wary about using it as i usually like a liquid foundation, but i thought why not. Actually I'm quite impressed by it, it has lovely coverage for day time, covers my dark circles under my eyes (grrrr), it stays on all day, i don't get that 'powdery' look around my eyes, i do tend to pop a little bit on my nose once or twice through out the day, just a self conscious thing i think as i don't actually need to put more on :/. Anyway, I'm going to carry on using this, but i will still be trying out more foundations!
click here to buy

Eyeshadow, i love this eyeshadow colour set at the moment!! Very very light pinks, like a shimmery pink. I put it on my whole eyelid and up to my brow, i don't do this with alot of eye shadows as sometimes it looks silly on me with certain colours, so i can only do it with light colours. I like this eye shadow set because when i dont want too much on my eyes and more on my lips then this is just enough colour to brighten my eyes and with out making me look like a clown. I will do step by steps on how i do my eye shadows one day :) 
 This wasn't  a very expensive product as it was from a make up store in an outlet shopping centre near me, but i think if you buy it from the website or boots etc, its £7.99. Get yourselves to a make up store in an outlet.... lots of bargains :)  

Last but not least... LIPPY!!
This lipstick is the one i seem to be using alot lately, its very pink, which really suits my skin tone, its really really soft on my lips, i have had lipsticks before and they feel so THICK and caked on, even though its not, on my lips, so this one got a thumbs up!! I brought this from a make up shop again at a shopping outlet (reduced prices at outlets), so the price was fine, not to expensive, but not cheap enough to be rubbish (if that makes sense). I would love to tell you the make of this lippy, but, when i brought this product, it was just among the other lippys that i picked out and didnt look at the make, and the lid just has a swirly L on it, iv searched everywhere on the net. So next time i go back to the shop i will look and let you all know :)

I hope you all enjoyed my first blog. :)

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